Inteligencja Kognitywna i Sztuczna Inteligencja w Chmurze


As more and more organisations move to the Cloud, they are looking to build Cognitive and A.I intelligence into their applications. The progress over the last two years in natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are profoundly changing the way businesses operate and interact with customers. Here, TD SYNNEX has experts in conversational A.I. and ChatBots that you can use to deliver a better user experience, often at a far lower cost to an organisation.

We build bots using language that suits your target user base. Then we integrate them into a range of different media channels. Our experts are particularly strong around IBM Watson and IBM Cloud technologies.

Poniewaz kazdy projekt ma unikatowy zestaw wymagan, skontaktuj sie z zespolem, aby porozmawiac o tym, jak uzyskac wiedze, której potrzebujesz.
